Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Easy Grade Time Tests: Addition and Subtraction

I am planning a post explaining how I manage my time tests in a quick and efficient way.  I hope to get it up by tomorrow!

Part of what helps me keep this stress free are two products that I created.  Easy Grade Time Tests!!

The great thing about this is that it takes me less than 3 minutes to grade each students time test. Look below for a sample of how you grade these babies. You can pick them up at my TpT store or click on the pic :)

1 comment:

  1. Hey!
    Just wanted to let you know about a giveaway of some TpT items that were donated to me. There's a ten frame activity, weather unit (I know we don't teach science, but you could share), and shape posters. Go to my blog to enter if you want. :)

    I'm already setting up November's giveaway and I already have 12 entries so it'll be much bigger!

    Have a great fall break!!
